Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Girl Day 2!! :D

It's Lianne's Birthday celebration!!
We decided to have korean BBQ~
We arrived earlier to hide the cake from Lianne and we started eating!!
LoL coz she's going to be late and wanted ur to start eating first..

And the newly married couple have arrived!!
Dan and Lianne~

There's eight of us.. this is our food!!

And it extended.. XD

Gracelia busy eating!!

Hahna was busy looking at the pics..
Like her camera, so cute~ :)

Wingki and Jules busy eating..

The funny PAT!!! LOL!!!

Yay we surprised her!!!
Coz Wingki lured her to go take some more food..
And we quickly take out our cake!!

Haha, she wanted to eat with a chopstick.. 

Actually she was surprised coz she's 22 this year..
Not 21.. =.=

But still happy to be "Forever 21" :D

Pat and Lianne~
Showing her 2nd year of 21st birthday celebration!!

Haha!!! She told him that she's actually 22...

Awww, so cute!!! XD

Me n Hahna!! :D

Pat and Gracelia~
Pat said his nose had something wrong in this pic..

Jules was going back earlier...

Long time no see friend!!
She actually withdraw her course in the 1st year..
So we didn't see her for 2 years!!

Group Photo minus the camera man - Daniel..

Pat still thinks his nose were weird and he blamed it to my camera!!

"See, it's your camera!! It's faulty!! Go buy a new one!!"
I said "IT IS a new on!!"
"Then go buy a better one!!"
I love his accent!! Bahahaha
He's talking in a very funny accent!!
He has slimmed down A LOT!!!
I mean 1st year we met, 
He was so big!!
And he losses weight every time I see him =.=

Later one Daniel and Lianne took their car back..
Me, Hahna, Gracelia and Pat walked home coz we're going to the same directions..
The Pat talked about his night jog at the river bank and he was listening to Ipod and he didn't notice there's some one paddling in the middle of the night in the river...
So he's shocked when he saw something moving in the river and yelled!!
Coz the pathway is really quite close to the river..
Then the swan in the river quacked coz it got shocked by him yelling!!
His sound so damn funny!!
Has a really good night chatting and laughing with you all!!
Was so damn cold!!
The wind was so strong!!
When I reached the tram station..
It's raining.. But is like drizzles..
Suddenly it became thunderstorm!!
God, the wind plus thunderstorm..
In this freaking cold night!!
I though I'm going to be dead!!
Lucky I got home safely..

Okay that is all!!
See u guys soon~
Today gonna meet Jennifer and Kyle coz they bought me MOCHI!!

See ya~ Bye..

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Imma Happy Happy Girl

This two days was so awesome to me coz I've found back my laughter and the crazy and happy go lucky me I used to be~ :D
Wanted to blog bout this ytd but tooo tired when I reached home!!
Ytd I finally met Gracelia!!!
She was still the same but her hair was finally growing a bit longer.. 
We went to our first lecture and was quite interesting..
Then Gracelia said she's going to meet Amy after class
I wanted to tag along coz I have not seen her for quite some time!!
But she said she wanted to talk private stuff with her >.<
But after that I kept on begging and she let me go with her!! :D
We met and sat at Gelatisimo for some milk shake and chatting~
They talked about relationships..
One of her friend had recently broke up with her bf coz they're having long distance relationship and the guy got drunk and did something he's not suppose to do..
And that's the reason they broke up!!
I was terrified!!
She said guys can't really take on a long distance for a long period of time like 3 yrs...
More terrified...
As they're going to be bored at this and as they found someone that's better, they'll leave...
I was speechless...
I'm scared..
All this things happened recently...
All this comparisons between my first year in Adelaide and now...
I kind of understand why is this happening..
I'm so scared, I wished and wished and wished that you're the exceptional one...
They said they were so good together but they still broke up..
Gosh, my heart was really beating hard!!
Then Gracelia said, but it was an accident if the guy felt sorry and wanted her back??
Then Amy asked me this question..
If ur bf did the same this with other girl and said it was all of an accident from all those alcohol and wanted to still be together with me.. Will I accept it...
I think of some seconds, I think I'm not going to do this..
I can't accept this!!! :(
It's just so heart breaking...
Then after that my mind was blanked for half an hour after that conversation..
I was thinking of it over and over again..
Then we went to had Vietnamese noodle for dinner..
We were so full after that!!
So we decided to drop our bags at Amy's place and go for a stroll and cont our chatting session..
At some point I really hoped that Amy was a guy, I would definitely fall for 'him'
She know's girls' and guys' mind so well...
And her motive of 'loving' someone is really simple..
If that person is worth loving for, then looks and appearance is not the matter at all...
Aww, I wish my man thinks this way as well...
That's why Gracelia is so much "in love" with her!!
These two were soo soo sooooo DAMN funny!!!
Gracelia was like talking sweet stuff to Amy and wanted to touch her!!
Then Amy ran away and hide behind me..
Though we all knew that they were just joking and playing around..
So happy to let loose and have a really good laugh~
Okay it's getting long now!!
Will stop!!
Another post for today's fun fun stuff!! :D

Monday, September 26, 2011

Just as I think it is going to work out...
There comes disappointment~
That was fast!
Just within one day!!
Hey, you broke your record..

Ytd he went to his friend's baby shower.
He didn't reply my messages so I called him.
He said it was a very rural area so there's no line coverage..
Owh, I see..
That makes me wonder 'So how the heck can I be able to call u if u said there's no line coverage?'
Maybe we should live there too!!
So no one will be calling or messaging us coz there's no line coverage!!
So I went to bed with all those disappointment.
This morning, saw his messages.
I translated the time into M'sia timezone..

The first message was at 3a.m.
"Baby, you still awake?"
Yeah, it's 4.30a.m. here and why should I be sleeping... =.=
"The line is not good, it's at rural area"
Yeah, explanation came..

Then it's 6a.m.
"Baby are you awake?"
Gosh, why the hell did I want to wake up at 7.30 in the morning if you woke up at noon everyday..
"200 words to complete my assignment.. Had 6 cans of beer just now...  Friend drive his to Putrajaya which is very far away from Sunway and they got home at 2.30a.m. So tired.. bla bla bla.. baby was cute... wanna be a father too.."
Oh wait, you reached home at 2.30 and you must be leaving that 'rural area' from approximately 12a.m.
So why don't you message me when u got the line?
Muz wait till u reach home 30 mins later!!
Wow, I'm impressed!!
How efficient you are..
You want to be a father too??
Gosh, you have to be responsible enough to have one..
But at the performance I saw till now..
Not a chance!!

I wish you could really do what you've promised and said..

Sunday, September 25, 2011


This is what we're chatting this particular afternoon..
Me : I miss those times in college where we had messaging session every night before bed..
LCW : Ok :D
Me : My heart hurts every time u said that coz it will just be disappointment at the end..
LCW : Faster come back and you can get your massage done.. Nope, not this time.. ;D
Me : It's message, not massage.. But it's nice if I can get both!!

This is the prove!!

Let's see how long this will last...

Morning peeps!

Good morning! Reporting from the table.

Finally Im awake, thx to my sweetheart.
Gonna buck up today, finish up my assignment!

Breakfast? Nope. It's 12 in the afternoon.
Not hungry yet.
But soon....   :D

By Lil Pig.

Im sorry. Again.

Well, it is not 4.23am (+8:00) in Malaysia and 5.33am (+9:30) in Adelaide.

Im still burning midnight oil for my assignment,
listening to "someone like you" by Adele. and thinking of you..
Maybe i will be in that state in the song in a few months, when you. decided to dump me.

Im sorry that i've neglected you. So many times. so many times. so many.....

Hope i could finish my assignment.
Hope you could come back instantly.
Hope i can be by your side now.
Hope we could go out together.
Hope all my hope will come true one day...

That's all.

Hope you realised how important you're to me. I can't say much.
I know you will think whatever im saying now is bullshit to you.

But i really mean that.
So heart broken that i heard you wanna find another new bf and which every of them,
you think,
will be better than me.

Time to continue for my assignment.

< /3

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I wanna fall in love with you again!!

I really miss those sweet moments when we're together back in those college days!!
Were you wanted to stick with me and never get sick of it..

I miss ALL these thing where we used to have..
But now it's all gone..
It's different..

Need you by my side..

Argh, feel so frustrated..
Since ytd night,
He knew something's wrong but don't know what..
He tot it' coz his frens say that they played dota few days b4 but obviously it's not the case..
Then he tot that he has missed our anniversary..
It's not our anniversary yet...
God, is it so hard to notice..
Urgh, no message after that..
Since 4p.m. and it's nearly 10p.m. now..
Forget it, going to bed early today..
Stomach cramping.. :(

Friday, September 23, 2011

I feel like I'm a dumbass blogging on all those trip back in M'sia.
Since you said "you have to post them"
But you didn't wanna read them..
What's the point?
Not motivated to post the rest anyway..
Currently counting how long will you noticed that I'm ignoring you..
Cause everytime if I did not msg you first,
Then you'll not be msg-ing me as well..
Counting from this morning..
"Baby, Morning!"
It's 7.30p.m. now and nothing since then..
"Baby! What u doing?"
"How is the house?"
"I'm playing badminton now"
"win win lose"
"Baby, you called me just now?"
Fring called me and then only he realized I was ignoring him the whole day..
Was wondering if he will notice it if no one had missed call him.
He wouldn't have assumed it was me calling him and called me back.
You never understood...
What I needed..
You've read that article,
But have you really know what is it all about?
I doubt it, cause you're still taking me for granted..
You always know how to do it by mouth, by saying it to me..
But in real action that you've done?
Nothing.. nothing even near what you've said to me..

I've starting to lose faith in you..
I've starting to lose patience with you..
What should I do??

Is this really just a phase in our relationship?
Being a stranger?
I feel worthless in you..

Maybe only time will heal this pain in my heart..

Maybe you didn't care at all...

Yes, I miss how sweet you were to me,
I miss how you hugged me,
I miss how you kissed me,
I miss all those sweet moments together,
I miss all the sweet talks..

You made me wonder, should I keep on waiting for that miracle or just let go.. I'm tired... 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10th July - Road trip day 1 - KL

It's time to blog on our road trip..
After 2 months...
Okay, here goes..

Was going to rain!!


And it rained...
Baby like this shot coz it was artistic~

Nothing to do on the car..


Baby concentrating.. :)

Looks like someone's going to doze off..

Yay, after the rain here comes the sun!!

Baby's sunnies~


Green is good for your eyes..

Song number 111, listening to “晴天“ 1min 11sec..
After the rain stops~

Palm trees~

Cool!! :P

With my new elmo tee~



See, his hand so huge..


Bibi singing!!

FAT!! :P

And we've reached our destination,
SunView Hotel..
RM 100 per night, I think...

Our room!!
"Excuse Me"
Baby said this before we open the door..
So I followed him and said it as well..

Quite nice!! 
They provide towels also!!
Anyway, we bought our towels..

Went to watch Transformer 3 with chou didi and baby..
While chou didi queuing up for the tickets,
Me n bi went and buy some of the Ireland's Potato~



Onion rings..

Cheese flavour~
Yummy!! :9


Was yummy but quite expensive for potato..

Went to Dragon-I for some "snacks" before going for dinner.

Coz baby wanna eat their Huge steamed dumplings..

I love the lightings!!

Spot my piggies~

The menu~

Table setting..

Their famous 小笼包

Someone can't wait already..

This is what baby was talking about..

We didn't use the straw coz the soup was so freaking hot..
Stupid meh, go and suck the boiling hot soup!!

Haha, see he's happy now..

Our main meal, Dinner at shogun!!

Waiting for them to open..


All of the ingredients to choose for your own teppanyaki~


The left hand side one was quite nice


Drools, love the shrimp tempura!!


Sushi section


Sashimi, my fav~

Takoyaki, freshly made!


The fried shrimp was nice too

Took quite a lot of sushi..

This is my sis' fav..

Not so nice..


Love oyster!!
I eat them with tabasco but baby said it's not the traditional way of having it..

More sashimo!!

Crab stick~


Baby's extra wasabi..


Super full!!

Haha, I don't know what happened..

Love the lights, all in different size~



Introducing Chou Didi!!
Baby's brother..

Transformer 3 was awesome!!