Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

敢不敢這麼疼你的女朋友 ???

1.把fb密碼告訴她。(I have coz I created ur acc!! XD)

2.銀行的密碼告訴她。(Nope, but u know mine!!)

3.冬天允許她把手放到你身體裡。( He'll jump up when I do that!! :P )

4.可以讓她隨時翻你手機。(Yes!! ^^)

5.行街時,要拉著她的手,不許放。(Sometimes will let go one!! )

6.不許先掛她電話。(When you are busy and want to hang up)

7.不許對她大聲說話。(Yes, when you're angry... I'm scared when you do that..)

8.要給她介紹你所有的朋友。(Not all but yes~)

9. 陪她逛街時不能說累。(^^ But I dun like shop too much also, maybe I'll be the 1 tired first!!)

10.把她的的相片放在手機屏幕上。(Eyer dun have lei..)

11.不說她傻。(Said that already...)

12.不說她笨。(Said that already...)

13.不傷她心。(Done that already...)

14. 不欺負她。(Done that already...)

15.不兇她。(Done that already...)

16.不對她摔東西。(Done that already...)

17.要會逗她笑。(Definitely!! Love the funny faces~ XD)


19.要說到做到。(NOT PRO!!!)

20. 有事隨叫隨到。(Dun have lei..)


22.要鼓勵她打扮。(Haha, not so encouraging...)

23.不許說她醜。(Said that already...)

24.不許說她胖。(Said that already...)

25.陪她看 電視。(Yes but not so co-operative!!)


27.大節小節都要送禮物給她(不在乎禮物的貴賤)。(Hehe, if go out dating counted as gift~)

28.無論她什麼時候餓,都要陪她吃飯。(Hmmm, you made me had gastric pain once?)

29.吵架一定是你先道歉。[ ='( ]

30.每年去不同的地方(沒錢就去不同的公園)。(Malacca?? =D )

31.發現美女時,不許斜眼。(U see then I'll poke out ur eyes)

32.她撒嬌的時候你要配合。(Only say me childish lo!! >.<)

33.要陪她一起瘋。(No le, only say me crazy!! =C )

34.行街累 了,就背她。(Haha, only once at KL~)

35.要學會做飯給她吃。(Baby's cooking is da best!!)

36.每天要打電話給她。(Definitely NO!!)

37.她打電來時一定要接。(Definitely NO!! =[ )

38.不叫她做不願意的 事。(Haha, this one got!! P&C =P )


40.答應她的事不能討價還價。(Sad laa!! =C )


42.有痛苦時要和 她一起分擔。( But I wanna know... =[ )

43.為她,做個大男人。( ♥ My big guy!! )

44.不許和前女朋友聯繫。(Bibi got no EX!! But got AiMei... =P )

45.她生病時要監督她吃藥。(Haha, but I dun eat medicine when sick wor.. Baby's kiss is my best medicine~)

46.為她洗腳。(No lei...But wash other parts got laa XD )

47.要陪她散步。(Walk walk~ Awana~)


49.不許拿她和前女友比較。(I SAID BIBI GOT NO EX!!! BUT WILL COMPARE WITH OTHER PPL!!! :(((((  )

50.不許騙她。(If he dares I'll rip off his skin!! =P But still lies to me lehhh!!! SAD LARHHH!!)

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